Being A Good Caretaker

Tuesday, June 1, 2004

1 Corinthians 4:2 – Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful. (NIV)

Some years back, the caretaker for our church went away on a vacation for several weeks, and we as a family volunteered to take over the duties. We didn't realize what the job entailed. I thought that we would just have to clean through, sort of a lick and a promise.

Well, it was more than that! We had to be there to open up for weddings, funerals, and other functions, making certain that all things needed were in place. And we had to be there again for the closing of the church afterwards.

After every event, there was cleaning to do (especially the washrooms), garbage to gather and put out for pick-up, and paper products to be replenished. To top it all, we had a major snowstorm one Saturday evening, with little time to locate shovels and clear away the snow for the Sunday service.

The job of caretaker that we volunteered for seemed simple enough — until we discovered all the ins and outs that we had never seen until we took over.

How many of us take things like being the church caretaker for granted? When we become involved, we find that it is a stewardship that takes much time to care for all the aspects of the job that most don't see.

God makes us stewards of all we have, and, as we consider our responsibilities, He reminds us that we belong to Him and that all we have is His. It is in being faithful in looking after these things with which we are entrusted — whether small or great — that we bring glory to God.

Prayer: Dear Lord, teach us to be good caretakers and stewards of all that You have given and entrusted to us, whether it is small or great. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Anne Russell <>
Brampton, Ontario, Canada

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