Out Jumped A Giant

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Isaiah 65:24 – And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. (KJV)

In my early Christian journey, I, like many other young Christians, looked to others to represent me before the throne of God in prayer, believing that mature prayer warriors had more power in prayer than my own stumbling prayers. Then circumstances took me out of this spiritually secure environment. I was travelling with my parents in their new car from Vancouver to Toronto, pulling a small trailer packed with my personal belongings. Because the car was new, and the spare tire would not be required, we confidently packed the overflow into the trunk, including a floor model television.

We were travelling along a dark, rainy stretch of highway, when the car suddenly swerved dangerously. We had a flat tire. We needed the spare tire and tools. It had been easy to pack the television into the trunk, but, struggle as we might, we could not remove it. I looked back along the road we had travelled, and I scanned the road ahead, but there was not a glimmer of light anywhere. I stepped onto the road and prayed. Moments later, I opened my eyes to see a huge transport coming to a stop on the opposite side of the road. Strangely, I had not seen any vehicle lights on that flat stretch of highway. Then the cab door opened, and out jumped a giant! Our God does not accomplish a task by half measures.

Within minutes the driver had removed the television and changed the tire, and we were on our way. When my father related this incident to his friends, the only embellishment that he made in his description was the fact that the transport driver lifted the television out of the trunk as if it were a shoebox! On that lonely stretch of road, I learnt a great lesson in prayer. God not only knows where His children are, but He is very much aware of their needs, and is simply waiting for them to express their need in conversation with Him, which we call prayer. We do not have to be great prayer warriors, but little children speaking to a loving heavenly Father.

Prayer: We thank You, heavenly Father, because You are always ready to have a conversation with us. We can enter into Your throne room at any time, through the authority of Your Son, Christ Jesus. Amen.

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About the author:

Vena Poole

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