John 3:16 – God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die. (CEV)
As a child, did you ever pick a daisy, and play the game of pulling the petals off one by one? I'm sure that, like me, many have done just this. As each petal fell, we would say (with the name of a favourite boy in mind), "He loves me, he loves me not", hoping that the last petal would indicate that the boy did love us. Sometimes the petal-pulling would end with "He loves me not", and we would be disappointed and abandon the silly game.
One Sunday recently, as we sat quietly awaiting the worship service to begin, I glanced out the window, and my eyes beheld a field of daisies. It brought this childhood game to mind. Then I thought that we don't have to pull petals off daisies to know that God loves us. We just have to remember His great sacrifice for us. His love is everlasting and never fails.
Psalm 136:26 – Praise God in heaven! God's love never fails. (CEV)
Prayer: Dear God, thank You for the great gift of Your Son, showing us how much You love us. May we realize that to receive this unfailing love we do not have to pull daisies apart, but simply accept You as our Saviour. Amen.
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