Romans 8:15b-16 – You received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father." The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. (NIV)
Besides being able to share my faith with readers around the world, my writing has brought me other special blessings. On one occasion, while participating in an evening of readings, I met another author, and, to our great delight, we discovered that we were eleventh cousins, all descendants of the first Ingalls family who came to North America in the 1620's.
Recently, I received an e-mail that read, "The other day I said to my minister's wife that I felt I should know you or put a face to you. Mainly because I feel you in my heart. Well today I had a surprise. I saw your devotional for tomorrow along with a little about you. I was very surprised to see that you are from Grand Manan. So am I. You probably know of my Grandfather…"
When we finished corresponding, I discovered that Colleen and I were cousins. Meeting family members started me thinking about all the members in my other family, the family of God. We may not share the same connections as in our earthly families, but if we have accepted Christ as our Saviour, we have been brought into God's family by our faith. I'm looking forward to the day when I meet many of you, and I believe that there will be much rejoicing when we get to heaven and are introduced to all the members of our Christian family.
Prayer: Father, we thank You for the members in our Christian family. Bond us together with Your love, so that we may help one another and pray for one another daily. Amen.
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