Revelation 14:13 – Then I heard a voice from heaven say, "Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on." "Yes," says the Spirit, "they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them." (NIV)
While in Florida, we met a young man whom I will call Sam. He was brought up in a Jewish home, but later was converted to Christianity. As a result of a brain tumour in his late forties, he had many physical challenges. He was left crippled, barely able to get around on his own. His speech was slurred, and he needed thick glasses to see and a hearing aid to hear. The brain tumour took away his ability to work, and made him dependent on others to look after his physical needs. This eventually cost him the loss of his wife and family who left him, while his parents took him back to live with them.
Yet Sam, with all these things against him, struggled to do all he could to live life to the full in Christ. He attended any and all Bible studies, hungering and thirsting after the Lord. He always had his Bible, a notebook, and a pen to take down notes. It was a struggle even to write, but he persisted, and was a shining example to us all, as we witnessed his victory in Jesus.
Then one day, I received an e-mail saying that Sam had suffered a massive stroke, which he did not survive.
Sam made a deep impression on all those he touched, myself included, with the gutsy way that he struggled with his physical disabilities. As he clung to the cross, it was his total submission to Christ that won him the victory. If only we all had the drive that Sam had, and the relationship that he had with his Saviour, we would all have victory in Jesus.
Prayer: Dear Lord, we are thankful to You that Sam now rests from his labours, and that we know that his deeds will follow him. Please help us to live with this same driving spirit, to win our victory in Jesus. Amen.
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