Luke 15:22-24a – Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found. (NIV)
Have you ever accidentally overheard part of a conversation or one side of a telephone call that has stayed in your mind for months afterward? This happened to me when we were travelling in the Yukon in the spring of 2003. It was April, and the tourist season hadn't begun, so many of the places we had planned to visit were closed. My husband and I drove to Skagway, Alaska, through the White Pass, which was still covered with snow. Although the ride was long through the stark, still-frozen wilderness, we enjoyed the change of scenery and the silence. However, as tearooms, restaurants, and some gas stations were closed, we took advantage of the one that was open in Caracas to take a break. On my way back to the car, I walked past a couple using an outside phone. "Dad?" There was a sob in the young woman's voice. "I need money for a ticket. I want to come home."
I thought of Christ's lesson in the New Testament where the prodigal son left his home, and went out to spend his inheritance. When his money was gone, and his friends had left him, he went to his father, and asked if he could come home. His father not only invited him home, but he also celebrated the fact that his son had returned.
Our heavenly Father is like this. He is waiting for the wayward child to return to His protection and care.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, today we lift up to You those children who have strayed from Your ways. We pray for their safety and soon return, and we pray for the parents who are awaiting a reunion with their children. Amen.
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