2 Corinthians 5:7 – For we walk by faith, not by sight. (NASB)
So often in the daily grind of my life, I find myself faced with difficult choices and decisions. We all do! What to say, how to say it, where to go, what to do — What? When? Where? Why? How? These questions often turn into mind-boggling dilemmas. I often struggle with what I should do when I return home from work, where my children eagerly await my arrival, and a pile of unfinished projects is also calling for my attention. I must remember that my God and my family are first.
According to God's Word, we are to live our lives and base our decisions on His words — His facts. Jesus is, after all, the Way and the Truth. But in my weak human condition, I often decide what is right for me, according to what my heart says — my feelings.
STOP! Here is where we must all screech to a halt before choosing what road to walk down. Instead, let us ask what God says about our choices. Is it according to His will, or is it to satisfy ours? In Jeremiah 17:9, the Bible states, "The human heart is most deceitful and desperately wicked." (NLT) Unfortunately, though, we are all going to make critical, life-altering decisions based on what this lying heart tells us, if we are not cautious.
I pray today that we will listen more closely to our heavenly Father's loving advice. May we tread carefully, consulting Him in prayer. May we read and meditate on His Word, memorizing Scriptures so that the truth becomes a part of our thinking process and our lives. Finally, may we seek wise counsel before impulsively making changes that may not be in our own, or our family's, best interests. God will direct our lives as we submit to Him and His methods for success: His Son, His Spirit, His Word, His people, and our prayers. Amen!
Prayer: O precious Lord, may our lives today be based on Your eternal truths and Your plan for living, rather than on our own false and fleeting feelings. May we learn to trust that You have our best interests in mind — always. Today, we dedicate our choices and decisions to You. May Your will, not ours, be done. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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