Matthew 7:13-14 – Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. (NIV)
There's a place near my home in New Brunswick that attracts many tourists each year. The sign on the site encourages one to believe that the car will coast uphill backwards because the hill is magnetic. The directions advise the motorists to proceed down the hill to a certain sign marked at the side of the road. Once there, they are to put the car in neutral, take the foot off the brake, and watch the scenery in front, while they are pulled back up the hill.
The idea of an easy, no-effort ride, where one can coast uphill, is attractive, and Satan has been encouraging people to do this ever since the world was created. He would have us believe that all that we need to do with our lives is to put ourselves in neutral and coast uphill. However, his promise of an easy journey, like the Magnetic Hill, is an illusion. Things may look easy now. We may even make it up an occasional hill with very little effort, but the path doesn't lead to heaven. Scripture tells us that the road to life is narrow, and only a few find it.
Prayer: Dear God, Satan would have us think that the easy path through life is the right way. Help us to see that his promises are only an illusion, and, though they may look easier at the time, they won't lead us to heaven. Amen.
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