Matthew 7:7-8 – Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. (NIV)
When we lived in Nova Scotia, newcomers to our home often had a difficult time locating us. They knew that we lived in the village of West Bay, and they would travel in the general direction of our home, until they came across a sign saying "West Bay Road". Without studying the map or asking for proper directions, they would conclude that this road would lead them to our home in West Bay, but it didn't. It led them to another village called West Bay Road.
Unfortunately, when it comes to finding God, many of us are guilty of drawing our own conclusions about what road to take. If leaders look right and sound like they are going in the right direction, we follow, instead of studying God's direction signs. The Bible clearly tells us that Jesus is the only way. It isn't always the easiest way, and the path sometimes leads us in a different direction than we thought we should be going, but, if we follow Jesus, we will not be led astray. Jesus is the way to God the Father, the way to truth, and the way to eternal life.
Prayer: Jesus, thank You for providing clear directions in Your Word so that we may find You. Help us to follow You, the only true way, to peace, salvation, and heaven. Amen.
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