Prepare The Way For The Lord

Sunday, November 30, 2003

Romans 13:11 – Besides this you know what hour it is, how it is full time now for you to wake from sleep. (RSV)

Planning is my favourite pastime. I plan for days, weeks, even months, and such planning brings me the onset of expectations to anticipate results. On a good day, I might do more in a day than all week. I call the setbacks temporary. Changes come and hold me still. Some setbacks I have identified as coming from the enemy of the soul. Satan is busy spreading obstacles on our way. Doubts, fears, and criticism are some of his favourite tools to crush us. We find ourselves in a spiritual cuff with the unseen yet very real enemy. Wearing boxing gloves of faith, I fight the schism in Jesus' name, till the power of darkness crouches down in its corner defeated. Victorious peace enters in. Darkness flees from the light, from God.

Today I tidied my small home for the beginning of Advent, preparing my home and my soul for the wait. No doubt the enemy will lift his head for an attack every unguarded moment he finds suitable. I am ready for it — with my boxing gloves of prayer as incense. Each punch signals a specific message: You can't threaten me or destroy me. For the One with more power protects and saves me and, moreover, all who wait for the Lord — He protects us with his blood from the threatening dangers of our sins and foes. All we have to do is keep in mind that Jesus Christ has died for us.

In him is our salvation and grace and peace. God's people team up at Advent to prepare a place for the Lord.

Prayer: Dear God! Come, set us free. We need you and meet you, Lord, where you come. Come to our homes and our hearts. Bring us your peace. Bring us your kingdom. Unite your scattered saints in your glory. Stir up your power and might. Stir in us the conduct of your salvation. Stir us awake from our sleep to put on the Lord Jesus Christ, that we make no provision for the flesh to gratify its desire. Let our sad hearts rejoice in Jesus' arms. Amen.

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About the author:

Kirsti Sipila <>
Brantford, Ontario, Canada

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