1 Corinthians 3:7-9 – Thus it is not the gardeners with their planting and watering that count, but God who makes it grow. Whether they plant or water, they work as a team, though each will get his own pay for his own labour. We are God's fellow workers; and you are God's garden. (NEB)
It has been my custom to plant a second crop of beans in my vegetable garden each year. The planting takes place about the second week of July for a September picking. This year was a little special. Our four-year-old grandson was holidaying with us. He was very enthusiastic about helping with the task. We talked about the need to prepare the soil, and the need to plant the seed carefully. I tilled the soil, and Nicolas counted out the seeds and planted each hill.
During the process of working the soil, there were many questions to be answered about the task of planting the seed. The Parable of the Sower came to my mind. To get a good crop, the soil must be properly prepared, and the seed planted in the fertile ground. I explained that we don't just throw the seed in the garden; the soil must be tilled, and it must be cared for, tended, and watered, to produce a crop. The stewardship is ours, but the increase is the Lord's.
It occurred to me while working with our grandson that I have many opportunities, through kind words, meaningful acts, and thoughtful expressions, to plant the seed, and let the Spirit give the increase. The enthusiasm and commitment of our grandson for the tasks of preparing and planting gave me cause to think about and to pose some questions to myself for a deeper meditation. Am I a gospel sower today? Am I a planter of godly seed each day? The gospel seed that we need to plant today has not changed, and neither has the need.
Prayer: O heavenly Father, Lord of light far beyond the shining of the sun, it is You who gives the increase and the growth. Teach us, O Lord, to work as a team in planting and watering. May we have the wisdom, the understanding and the passion to labour in Your garden. We pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
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