Matthew 6:19-20a – Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven. (NIV)

After twenty-nine years of living in the same area, my husband retired, and we decided to make a major move to be nearer to members of our family. For weeks, we sorted through our possessions, things that we'd kept because we might wear it again, or need it someday. We were downsizing, and it was important to get rid of the things that would take up space, or cause clutter in our new home.

After the sorting came the packing, and the planning of where we would put each piece of furniture. At one point, my husband said, "There, that's our last move." Maybe he's right, as far as earthly moves are concerned. The home we have is perfect for seniors, all on one level, and close to the hospital, church, and shopping — things that become important to us as we age. However his comment started me thinking about how much thought and preparation we should be putting into our next move, the one to our home in heaven.

All of us will make that "one more move" at some point in our lives. In preparation, perhaps it would be a good idea to sort through the things that are cluttering up our lives, things that are getting in the way of our storing up treasures in heaven.

Prayer: God, thank You for the lessons in life that help us to refocus away from our everyday cares, and that remind us that our purpose in this life is to allow You to prepare our hearts for our home in heaven. Amen.

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About the author:

Elaine Ingalls Hogg <>
Smiths Creek, New Brunswick, Canada

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