God's Protection

Thursday, July 31, 2003

1 Thessalonians 5:9 – For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. (NIV)

Jeremiah 33:6b – I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security. (NIV)

My mother had been injured as a result of a stupid and senseless crime. A young man who had worked at our family contracting company had attacked my mother with a broken brick in her office. His reasons are not known, even today, as he sits in a jail. My mother lay in a hospital for many weeks — some days in an intensive care unit, and some in a rehabilitation hospital. Without going into much detail of her emotional, physical, and mental status, it is enough to know that my mother suffered from severe brain trauma. Her skull had been fractured badly.

The local law officials came out in full force that day. I remember leaving the scene of the incident and begging Sheriff Bessenbacher and his chief deputy, Jerry Jones, to find out who did this act to my mother, and to get whoever did it. Jerry promised very simply that they would. My father and I had no doubt that the law would take care of that part of the situation. In fact, Daddy said so to someone later that week. We were not worried about the young man who did it. Our concern was my mother. Daddy told me we were just going to let the law do their job.

My Daddy and I found that we could place our trust in earthly law enforcement officers to bring us security and protection. How much more can we all put our trust in God to provide us with unconditional love, comfort, security, and protection.

Prayer: Dear Father, we don't always follow your laws, and sometimes we get in Your way. We pray that You will continue to provide for us the security and unconditional love we need, but also that You will put within us a discerning heart, so that we may know what is Your law, and be able to obey it! Amen.

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About the author:

Becky Holland <rlhga@icloud.com>
Empire, Georgia, USA

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