Philemon 1:4 – I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers. (NIV)
This morning, as I made my bed, I was reminded of a friend that I met twenty years ago. At the time, we were both stay-at-home mothers, and our friendship blossomed as we went on our morning walks through the tree-lined streets in our sleepy neighbourhood. While we walked, we often talked over our concerns for our families, or shared a scripture verse that had spoken to us. Some days, our visits would end with a quick cup of coffee, and a prayer for our children or an ailing family member. Our friendship was special, so, when the news came that she had to move, we both felt a loss.
The day of the move, I walked down our street to where the huge orange moving van was parked. When I found her, my friend was packing the last suitcases in the family's van. We stood and chatted for a few minutes, and then it was time to say goodbye, but our goodbye wasn't easy. My friend was moving to another province, half-way across this great country of ours, and, even if we wrote or phoned regularly, our friendship would never be the same again.
I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, as I wished her God's blessing, and, when we hugged, I could feel her sobs. Then she whispered through her own tears, "Elaine, every time you make your bed, please remember to pray for me."
We did keep in touch at first. I even visited her once after her move, but, since then, she has had to move a number of times in order to find work, and, I'm sad to say, we have lost touch. But I know a God who knows where she is, and I know He hears my prayers, so, every day when I make my bed, I still pray for her.
Today as we go about our daily chores, there may be friends' names that come to our mind who need our prayers. Perhaps more comforting is the thought that, somewhere out there, someone is making their bed and praying for us.
Prayer: Dear God, You know where each person is, and those who need a special touch from You. We pray that You will come alongside them today, and let them know we are praying for them. Amen.
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