Romans 8:28 – And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (NIV)
Proverbs 3:6 – In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (KJV)
Once I needed a job. I asked God to lead me to the right one. All doors seemed to be closed at the time, except the medical records department at our local hospital, which I did not want. After weeks of praying, of searching elsewhere, and of being in need of a paycheque, I accepted it.
A friend was working there. She shared that she had asked God to lead her to another job. A month later, she left to sell real estate. She felt that this was the answer to her prayers. She was successful in her new job. A few years later, she was admitted to the Million Dollar Club for having sold that amount within a year. She felt that she was exactly where God wanted her to be.
This was hard for me to understand. I was struggling in a job that I did not like, forced to learn new things, and to adjust to new situations. Why had God blessed her, but led me to such an unhappy situation?
Fifteen years later, at retirement, the answers have begun to come. Now, I could see why God had answered my prayers differently from hers. I needed the discipline the job provided. Earlier, I had no computer skills, very few research and filing skills, and I knew little of the medical world and of teamwork. Some of these lessons came hard, but were lessons in life that I had to learn. Now that I'm retired, what joy the computer brings into my life! I'm so thankful that I was forced to learn. In writing and genealogy, both of which provide a lot of pleasure now, I'm thankful for the filing and research skills that I learned, and also for the discipline and social skills. The medical knowledge is a blessing, now that I'm coping with the aging process.
Who can say that God does not lead us in the right direction? He knows our needs and directs our ways.
Prayer: Lord, help us to acknowledge You in all our ways, so that You can direct our paths. Help us to understand that answers to our prayers sometimes come in ways we do not anticipate, yet You know our needs and direct our ways. Amen.
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