Ephesians 6:10 – Build up your strength in union with the Lord and by means of his mighty power. (GNB)
I have always enjoyed watching birds. In the winter, we feed birds that are native to our area all year long, and a few species that travel here from the north to spend the cold months in our "warmer" temperatures. In the summer, we feed birds that winter in the sunny south, and return to our area when the weather warms.
One of my favourites is the oriole. These festive orange and black birds have a wonderful song, and a mischievous cackle. I enjoy watching their antics at the feeder, as they wrangle for position, and chase each other away. This year, two pairs regularly visit, and there is almost always one bird feeding. This afternoon, I saw all four birds jockeying for a place. It is a marvel to see the liquid in the feeder decrease daily. For such small birds, they eat a lot!
Wouldn't it be helpful if, like the bird feeder, we could see when we were running low on energy? Often we say we need to recharge our batteries, or we need a few days away from it all. A few moments each day spent with God can energize us, and make us more able to cope with our hectic lives. We never need to run on empty.
Prayer: Loving God, often we feel drained by our chaotic lives. May we make room for You each and every day. For, in You, we can be energized, and face the world with a renewed vigour. Amen.
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