Updraft Of God's Love

Tuesday, July 1, 2003

Psalm 121:1-2 – I lift up my eyes to the hills — where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. (NIV)

Many years ago, my family and I were vacationing in the North Georgia Mountains at Vogel State Park. A church service for the campers was held on Sunday on the veranda of the pavilion. It extended out over a mountain lake, which was surrounded on every side by the gradual rise of the mountains.

The day was perfect. The ten o'clock sun rode high in the sky, creating a diamond sparkle on the greenness of nature and the blue ripples of the mountain lake. The pastor, an experienced pilot, explained how the updraft of air surrounding mountain valleys would lift an airplane up over the mountaintop.

God's love and His greatness were very real in that mountain valley that morning. As the pastor talked, I could feel the updraft of God's love lifting me, even as the updraft of the air lifted the airplane.

The updraft of God's love that lifts airplanes out of mountain valleys will still lift you and I out of our dark valleys. Just as the pilot places the airplane in the right position to be lifted, so we must open up our wings, and let His updraft of love lift us up to a higher plane of existence.

Prayer: Lord, lift us up, and let us stand by faith upon Your higher planes. No higher spot can we find than one that allows our gaze to look up to You. Amen.

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About the author:

Ivie Bozeman
Thomasville, Georgia, USA

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