2 Timothy 4:7 – I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. (NIV)
As I think back on family get-togethers, I was reminded of one time in particular. There were races for the children, and I especially recall watching our daughter, who was not really wishing to run the race. Her uncle stood at the finish line with a nickel held out for her, to encourage her to run to him. And that she did. She won the race, but was the motive the right one?
What is it that motivates us to run the race of life? Is it the lure of money, and what it can do for us?
I think it should not be, though many make money, and what it can buy, the important things of life — like the fast, expensive cars, and the pleasures they seem to bring. In what way do we find the pleasures and desires in our own lives?
I consider the things of life necessary, but the love of money for the wrong reasons will bring what I would call a false god into our lives. If we but seek the pleasure that this false god can bring, and don't see the God of love, we are headed in the wrong direction.
Please don't get me wrong. I am certain that God will bless us with nice things that we can enjoy, but it is the love of these things that brings us to have the wrong motives in life, when we seek nothing other than these pleasures, and leave God out of our lives.
Matthew 6:33 – But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (KJV)
Prayer: Enable us to come to You, Lord, seeking Your favour and Your values. Help us to be good stewards of the gifts You have given to us. Help us to run the race of life to Your liking and not to our own. We pray in Jesus' precious name. Amen.
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