Philippians 4:12,19 – I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. (NIV)
The other morning, as I was getting dressed, I noticed a hole in my sock, and the strange thought struck me, "I am rich!" How does one measure these things? Well, I was remembering how, back during the depression of the 1930s, when I was a child, another child defined wealth for me. He said that he had an uncle who was so rich that, when he discovered a hole in his socks, he didn't bother to darn them, but just threw them away and bought new ones. "Now that's being rich!" we both agreed.
I guess one's definition of wealth is relative. Today I count myself "rich" because of the number of my friends. Someone has said that one's friends are true wealth, and, thank God, I have lots of them.
More importantly, I am also "rich" because I am the child of the King! I remember Corrie ten Boom speaking in our church and relating about a time when she was speaking in Australia, and she received word of a family problem, which required her to return home immediately. She had no money, but trustingly went to the travel office to buy a plane ticket, inwardly praying, "Father, you own the cattle on a thousand hills. Please sell some so I can get this ticket for home." Wonderfully, on the way, she was met by a friend who gave her just the amount of money she needed!
Amazingly, just as I finished writing this, the mail man came with a gift of money from my Father through a dear friend! How about that!
Whether or not we receive money just when we need it, we can all be truly thankful that we are rich in having a Father in heaven who always keeps us in His care! Praise His name!
Prayer: Father, we praise You for Your love and for Your prevenient grace, which knows our needs before we do, and always has a solution to our dilemma ready when we need it. How great You are! The more we lean on You, the stronger we become. May we and all of creation praise Your name. Amen.
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