John 8:34-36 – Jesus said to them: "I am telling you the truth: everyone who sins is a slave of sin. A slave does not belong to the family permanently, but a son belongs there forever. If the Son sets you free, then you will be really free." (GNB)
Most women my age seem to enjoy driving their vehicles, but I have always been very much afraid of driving. Although I was able to drive short distances, I did so reluctantly.
About four years ago, I realized that, if I revealed my problem to people I could trust, I might be able to do something about it. So I asked members of my small group Bible study to pray that I would have more confidence to drive. Gradually, I began to notice a change in myself. I could drive several months of the year, but I would not drive in winter. I had convinced myself that I could not drive in winter.
One day I held a conversation with a friend about the fact that it would soon be winter, and that I was afraid of driving. I was told that driving in winter in Saskatchewan was not as difficult as it seemed, and that I should practice driving in an empty parking lot after we had snow. While I listened, I did not really believe that I could actually drive in winter, until I experienced it firsthand.
It happened that my husband was away at a conference this past October when we had our first taste of winter. It was early Saturday morning, and the freezing rain made the roads very icy. I was charged with getting our children to their basketball games. I was afraid, but somehow God helped me to accomplish the task safely.
My attitude was changed, and I actually hoped for winter weather so I could attempt to drive again. Miraculously, I even ventured out in the car after a major snowfall, when previously I would have believed that it was impossible. When I told my friend about this, the immediate response was, "What an amazing change!" I realized that God had answered the prayers of the small group.
The good news is that we do not need to be slaves to false thinking about ourselves, and the negative conclusions we've made in the past. Christ specializes in changing people and setting us free to live up to our God-given potential.
Prayer: Lord God, we give You praise and thanks that You do change us and set us free. Help us to seek Your leading, to discover those areas of our lives that You want to change. Give us faith to let You transform us into Your image. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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