
Sunday, February 23, 2003

Genesis 8:22 – While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease. (ESV)

Do you ever have enough time? Some people have too little time, like the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland. Some people have both too much and not enough, depending on their priorities towards things like television and washing up.

Recently, I watched a review of David Attenborough's television career as a natural history presenter. I am enthralled by seeing creation raw in tooth and claw, as well as in its beauty, diversity, and mystery, at a safe distance!

Time has allowed all nature's majesty to occur.

I believe in God the Creator of all things, including time. It is a finite gift for us all — more for some than for others, admittedly — and how we handle time is dependent on our psychosocial and physical make-up.

Flies react ten times faster than we do. That is why they are so hard to swat! A sloth reacts four times slower than we do, and so it is easy prey when it descends to the forest floor.

Time-lapse photography shows the beauty of plant growth and movement not perceptible to the human vision. God, the master of time, sees all things in their rightful perspective and period. He sees the beauty of growth or passing clouds. He sees the disaster of pollution, and the sadness of forest depletion or erosion. It does not surprise Him. His view of time, beginning to end, is but like a day for us. We are truly the drop in the bucket, or the dust on the scales.

God, the sustainer of all, became a human child, subject to the limitations of time and form. He made the time for us.

Something inside asks, "Should not we, who have been given this precious gift of life, give the first-fruits of our time for Him?"

Psalm 32:6 – Therefore let everyone who is godly offer prayer to you at a time when you may be found; surely in the rush of great waters, they shall not reach him. (ESV)

Prayer: Lord, Maker and Master of all, come and be God-with-us today. Encourage us, remind us, and help us to make time for You and Yours. Abide with us, and, as we are willing, so impart more of Your reality for us. Amen.

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About the author:

Rod Marshall <roderickhenrymarshall@gmail.com>
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England

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