Genesis 1:3 – And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. (NIV)
When our granddaughter came to our home as an infant, we held her and marvelled at her tiny features. As she grew, she began to crawl. She would crawl right to the edge of the staircase, giving us all heart failure. Here, she would turn, backing herself on all fours, and venture part way down the stairs that led to the basement. She only went halfway; then she would return, crawling back to the top.
Time passed, and after she could walk, one day she ventured all the way down the stairs and discovered the basement. What a thrill when she found the pull chain and turned on the light. At first, I had to lift her up to reach the cord, but now she is tall enough to reach it by herself. What a delight to see her when the light comes on. Her face lights up with glee at what she has accomplished all by herself.
Just as I lifted my granddaughter up to reach the pull chain and watch the light come on, so we must help to encourage children to see new beginnings in Jesus. We must start at an early age, right from the nursery through Sunday school, youth groups, and on until we have done all we feel we can do.
God uses us as Christians to help others to see the God of all light. Then as they grow spiritually, one day they will find they have grown sufficiently that they will come to Christ, all by themselves. What a delight to see them, when the light comes on.
1 John 1:5 – This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. (NIV)
Prayer: Dear Lord, use us and the gifts You have given to us, that we might help others to move out of the darkness into the light. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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