Luke 11:2-4 – So He said to them, "When you pray, say: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us day by day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one." (NKJV)
I know a couple who have been praying for a new job for the husband. He was laid off from his old job, and has even gone to another province to find work. In addition, he has taken training in what he wants to pursue as a career. So far, their prayers haven't "worked". There isn't a job yet, and they haven't been able to discern any indication as to what the Lord wants them to do. The question is, "Why?" Are they praying wrongly? Are they praying too specifically? Are they not praying hard enough? This business of not praying "hard enough" is a trap that Satan loves to try and catch us in. Our answers from God in no way depend on our efforts. All we need to do is to pray sincerely and God will answer.
Christians know that God will always answer prayer, and that is a fact. The thing is that God answers in His time and in His way, not always in the way we want or expect. God will answer with what He knows to be best for us.
When Jesus' disciples asked Him how they should pray, Luke records Jesus' answer in what we know as the Lord's Prayer.
What we always need to remember is that, when we pray, we need to praise and honour God. Notice that even Jesus does this in the first verse of the prayer. He doesn't go right into asking. He gives God honour and glory by praying that God's name be hallowed and that God's kingdom come. Then Jesus goes on to ask for things that He wants.
God isn't some magical guru Who is there to just answer our every whim and grant our every wish. God is the Supreme Being who holds us and all of creation in the palms of His loving hands. It is only fitting that we honour and glorify His name, not only in prayer, but in all we do. It isn't wrong to ask for things within reason, but we need always to remember to give God praise also.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, as we approach You, whether in prayer or just in our daily lives, help us to praise and honour You. Help us to do everything to Your honour and glory. Amen.
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