Be Prepared For Storms

Wednesday, January 15, 2003

Luke 8:23 – As they sailed, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger. (NIV)

A recent incident that occurred recently near Duluth, Minnesota, U.S.A., brought this scripture to mind.

The winds were beginning to blow heavily, and a couple were sea kayaking in the rough (and increasingly stormy) waters of Lake Superior. They were neophyte kayakers, unaware of, and unable to cope with, the changing lake and weather conditions. They were totally unprepared for an emergency on the water. They weren't even wearing wetsuits or drysuits, and they weren't equipped with sea skirts for their small vessels.

Their inability to know and to work with their small crafts, or to deal quickly with the wind and changing temperature conditions, caused them to be blown away from the safety of the shore. As they struggled to steer to the safe haven of the land, they were drawn further away in the opposite direction and tossed into the unpredictable and unmanageable stormy seas.

The couple didn't venture out into the storm knowingly; they were supposed to be on a relaxing recreational paddle. They were caught without warning, and were in danger.

The couple couldn't be saved; they perished. They were completely unprepared to deal with that day's stormy conditions.

We, as Christians, need to be prepared for life's storms, so that we can survive, endure, transcend whatever difficulties blow our way.

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, that you are our anchor, our rock, our stronghold, our strength, in all the storms of our lives. You equip us to stand firm, and to live in you. Amen.

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About the author:

Liz Nicholas
London, Ontario, Canada

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