I joined a fitness club recently, along with my youngest daughter. After signing the agreement, a date and time were picked for us to have our fitness evaluation done.
The day before that appointment, I felt unwell. I ached all over, my head hurt, and I felt sick. Thinking back though, I hadn't eaten properly at all that day, or, in fact, for a few days. The day of the fitness evaluation, I had a terribly bad headache and borderline migraine.
As I was thinking about going to the club, I was embarrassed to think that people would see my condition. I had let myself go, over the previous year, since changing jobs. I was out of condition, for sure. I had put on weight and inches, and totally lacked any physical fitness. I dreaded going, to be honest.
Thinking long and hard, I became aware that I should treat my body as I do my car. After all, if I didn't fill the tank with gas, it wouldn't go anywhere. I hadn't been eating properly for a while, and that should have been my first hint as to why my body was as it was — no energy left. This is also the case in our spiritual lives. If we don't feed on the Word every day, how will we ever grow? We will become embarrassed to face people. We won't want others to see our condition. We also need to be able to share our nourishment as we see those needing to be fed spiritually.
How will we do in our evaluation? Who knows when that will be!
1 Timothy 4:8 – Physical exercise has some value, but spiritual exercise is much more important, for it promises a reward in both this life and the next. (NLT)
Prayer: Dear God, we pray that you will come closer if we tend to miss our devotional times with you. Renew a right spirit within us, for we need your Word to guide and strengthen us. Help us to devour all that we read, to enable us to grow strong in our Christian walk. You are an awesome God, and we thank You for loving us, no matter what. Amen.
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