When I was learning to type, there was a standard warm-up exercise that we always used to begin the lesson: "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country." Those first four words have lingered in my mind through the years and have been applied to many types of truth. "Now is the time" has served as a guideline in my Christian life as well as the secular.
In my youth, that phrase meant that "now is the time" to give my life to Jesus and follow in his footsteps. Later, when I had a family, it meant that "now is the time" to teach the children about Jesus and build a solid foundation for them.
2 Corinthians 6:2b – I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation. (NIV)
John 4:35 – Do you not say, "Four months more and then the harvest"? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. (NIV)
Now is the time for all good Christians to come to the aid of their Saviour, Jesus Christ. It is this generation's responsibility and privilege to spread the Word and harvest the fields. First, our generation must get our personal lives in order, and then go forth to spread the gospel of Christ into the entire world.
Prayer: Lord, use us in your harvest. Let our messages reach out to those hungry for your Word. Now is the time! Be our guide, shape our souls, and lead us to the harvest that you have prepared. Enlarge our harvest that we may increase your kingdom here on earth. Amen.
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