2 Peter 1:19b – But when you consider the wonderful truth of the prophets' words, then the light will dawn in your souls and Christ the Morning Star will shine in your hearts. (TLB)
Some people like to trudge through the forest in waist-deep snow to cut the perfect spruce tree. Others are content to pick a pine at the local market. Still others buy an artificial one of indescribable content and put it up year after year. Many will have only a small tabletop branch.
While some decorate their tree with a multitude of traditional items, others will use themes like angels or celebrity characters. A few will colour-coordinate their tree to match their decor. Young families will have a display of pre-school paper chains and cut-outs.
Whatever our preference in these areas, we all have one thing in common. The lights go on the tree first.
We are just like that. The light of Jesus has to go on in us first. Oh, we try to change ourselves. We read self-improvement books and take classes. But inside, we know that the changes are not lasting or deep.
True change happens from the inside out. True change happens when Jesus gets on our inside, and the changes begin to show on our outside.
Luke 11:36 – If you are filled with light within, with no dark corners, then your face will be radiant too, as though a flood light is beamed upon you. (TLB)
Prayer: Lord, when You gave Your Son, Jesus, to light up the world, You gave us the opportunity to be lights. Beam Yourself through us, Lord, into the dark corners of people's lives. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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