Luke 1:45 – How happy you are to believe that the Lord's message to you will come true! (GNB)
Last winter was one of the warmest on record here in southern Ontario, Canada. Usually we are shovelling snow by mid-November. That particular year, however, our first snowfall of the season didn't occur until the middle of December.
My children, then aged four and six, looked out the window every morning when they awoke, to see if the snow had come yet. The evening it snowed was a Friday, so they were thrilled when they woke to discover that there was snow on the ground, and that they could play in it at their leisure. They were actually jumping up and down with excitement.
It wasn't long before they had their boots, coats, mitts, and hats on, and were outside — even before breakfast.
Do we look towards Christmas with the same expectancy, as though it were the very first Christmas? Are we thrilled beyond words? Do we greet each morning with anticipation, waiting for the birth of our Saviour?
Prayer: Heavenly Father, Your Son was born many years ago, and yet, each Christmas, we celebrate His birth. Often the story becomes mundane, as we hear it yet again. Help us to hear the Christmas narratives as though for the first time. Help us to keep Your words fresh in our ears, and Your joy alive in our hearts. Amen.
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