Ignoring The Message

Sunday, November 17, 2002

Exodus 9:21 – And he that regarded not the word of the Lord left his servants and cattle in the field. (KJV)

Most people nowadays prefer some sort of pure drinking water. In our refrigerator, we keep a water jug with a filter, which is purported to filter out a high percentage of the undesirable chemicals and minerals that are in our tap water.

Common sense would seem to dictate that, when we pour ourselves a glass of the purified water, the reservoir would be depleted and we should replenish it. However, it is one of those jobs that we usually leave for someone else to do.

Not liking to find the jug empty, and knowing that it takes several minutes for the water to filter through when being replenished, I posted a note on the top of the jug, asking users to please be thoughtful and refill when helping themselves to a glass of water. The note seems to be invisible, as it is often disregarded, which is disheartening, especially when going to pour a glass of water for a guest. Ignoring the note is like leaving others stranded.

How often in our daily walk do we disregard the words of others, especially of God? Jesus has said that, when we do something for the least of others, we do it also to him. It may be a small thing; it may not seem important to us; but when something is asked of us by others, we might take time to consider what we would do were it a request from God. We might also ask ourselves what message of God's we might have ignored today.

Prayer: Father, may we be mindful to look to your word in our daily walk, and, in so doing, bring us to be more thoughtful of others. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Mary Daniel <marydee@shaw.ca>
Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

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