Swimming Lessons

Tuesday, October 22, 2002

Matthew 11:29 – Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart and you will find rest (relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls. (Amplified)

I knew a little girl who liked frogs better than anything. When she tried to swim, she was sure that frog-like flailing would keep her from sinking to the bottom. It may work for frogs, but it was not helpful for little girls!

Next, she tried water wings. They were not dependable. They let her down at the worst possible moments. Finally, she learned how to swim, because her mommy signed her up for swimming classes. She learned that relaxed obedience to the instructor was the only way to success.

Sometimes in life, we try too hard. We flail wildly. We lean on things or people who are not dependable. Too often, we trust in the insecure. We forget our Instructor, who calls out to us, "Relax! Rest in Me! I have you safe in My hands!"

Prayer: Lord, when we are flailing about, calm our hearts. When we lean on the wrong things, knock out the props. Teach us that only You provide relief, ease, refreshment, recreation, and blessed quiet. Bring us always and only to Yourself. In other words, Lord, please teach us to relax in You. Amen.

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About the author:

Brenda Wood <brenda.w@nextcom.ca>
Sandycove Acres, Innisfil, Ontario, Canada

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