An Abortion That Was Aborted

Tuesday, October 8, 2002

Psalm 139:13 – For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb. (NIV)

The year was 1943, and the Second World War was in full swing. A naive young woman was dismayed and afraid because she found out that she was pregnant. In normal circumstances, this should have been a joyous event in her life, but the complication was that the baby was not her husband's. He was somewhere in Europe, and she had gone to a party and had a few drinks, and… well you can guess the rest.

This situation is all too familiar today, the only difference being that if the option of abortion had been available, she would have taken that course of action. Her baby girl was born on D-Day, June 6, 1944, and was raised by her grandmother and grandfather. Her grandma was an extremely godly woman who took her to Sunday School, and taught her about Jesus at home. I was that child! And now, fifty-eight years later, I live in Canada, and am a minister's wife. God has used me to lead many to Jesus Christ.

Living in our basement apartment, we now have a young woman who has given me permission to tell you that she is pregnant, even though she is only fifteen years old. She would not even consider abortion, even when counselled to take the morning-after pill. The father is taking full responsibility for the child and wants to do the "right thing" by her. They are very open to talking about God, prayer, and the Bible. It is my greatest desire that God would use us as an example to them, and that they would bring their child up to know Jesus.

Psalm 139 is a wonderful verbal picture of His love for us, even before the moment of conception. He knows us intimately and makes each of us unique in His eyes. We read that He even has the hairs on our heads numbered. How awesome to think that we mean that much to Him with all our human frailties.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank You for all mothers who choose not to have abortions when it would be easier than having their babies. We pray that all pregnant women would realize that a baby is a gift from You, from the moment of conception. We pray that You would touch their hearts, and that they would find people who would care for them and help to raise their babies knowing Jesus. Amen.

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About the author:

Mary Jack
Delhi, Ontario, Canada

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