His Steadfast Love

Tuesday, October 1, 2002

Psalm 42:1-3 – As the deer pants for water, so I long for you, O God. I thirst for God, the living God. Where can I find him to come and stand before him? Day and night I weep for his help, and all the while my enemies taunt me. "Where is this God of yours?" they scoff. (Living Bible)

We had been living through a long, bad patch. Cancer, a broken back, a broken jaw, diabetes, our house struck by lightning… the list seemed endless.

As a consequence, I became quite depressed. I allowed myself to develop a full-blown pity party. You know the kind: "Does anybody really care what happens to us? Life is so hard. Why are we always the ones with the problems? Where are You, God?"

Part of me was blaming God, but part of me was blaming myself. While other people seemed to have it all together in the midst of their troubles, I wasn't one of them.

Fortunately, Psalm 42 doesn't end at verse 3, but goes on to give some pretty practical advice. Here are some selections from the rest of the Psalm.

    Take courage, my soul! Why be discouraged and sad? Hope in God! Yes, I shall again praise him for his help. I am standing here depressed and gloomy, but I will meditate upon your kindness. Floods of sorrow pour upon me like a thundering cataract. Yet day by day the Lord also pours out his steadfast love upon me, and through the night I sing his songs and pray to God who gives me life. O my soul, don't be discouraged. Don't be upset. Expect God to act! For I know that I shall again have plenty of reason to praise him for all that he will do. He is my help! He is my God!

In the midst of our depression, there are positive things we can do. The list includes taking courage, hoping in Him, meditating on His kindness, singing His songs, praying, and praising Him.

Our situation may not change, yet, day by day, in the midst of it, God will still be pouring out His steadfast love.

Prayer: Lord, when it seems that there is nothing left of the life and the person we used to be, help us to remember that, whatever there is, it is still Yours, and You still love it and think it worthy. Amen.

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About the author:

Brenda Wood <brenda.w@nextcom.ca>
Sandycove Acres, Innisfil, Ontario, Canada

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