Hebrews 10:22 – Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. (NIV)
Has someone you love ever judged you with these words: "It's all right to be religious, but you have gone overboard"?
During the past winter we had the opportunity to accompany friends on the boat they owned, travelling along the intercostal waterways from Georgian Bay in Canada down to the Florida Keys. On the return trip this spring, the owners took on a new crew, also friends of ours, for the return trip.
After only a week, I saw these friends at a function where they unexpectedly showed up. Shocked, I looked at them and said, "How come you are home? I thought you were sailing."
"The boat sank," was the reply. I stood with my mouth open in disbelief.
As God would have it, the boat was tied up at the dock, when a new generator caused the bilge pump to malfunction, and they began to take on water. Unable to manually pump out the water, they had to go overboard.
Well, it was quite an experience, one I was pleased I escaped, and I was glad for them that they were tied up at the dock. Thus the boat was salvaged, and all were saved.
One quick thought about my opening statement, "Religion is all right, but you have gone overboard." When we realize that without Christ, we would perish in our sin, wouldn't it be better to go overboard and know that we were saved, rather than to drown?
Prayer: Dear Lord, we thank you for the privilege of knowing Your grace and being saved by faith in You through the blood of Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen.
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