1 Samuel 3:9 – If he calls you again, say, "Speak, Lord, your servant is listening." (GNB)
New Brunswick, Canada, claims the highest tides in the world. Along the Bay of Fundy, the sea surges twice a day to heights of up to 16 metres (45 feet). At a glance, the shore seemed tranquil. Yet, as we watched and listened, a myriad of sights and sounds was revealed. We enjoyed walking along the rocky beach of a protected bay at low tide, and marvelled at the sea life that was now exposed by the receding waters.
We watched crabs scurry sideways from the shelter of one rock to another. Mud shrimp squirmed helplessly, waiting for the rising tide to send them once again into the water. Mussels, giant snails, and sea urchins were often stranded on dry land. We were amazed by the jets of water shooting up from small holes in the sand made by buried clams.
As the water moved in thin streams to rejoin the sea, the shore crackled and gurgled. Small trickles shifted tiny shells, rocks, and sand as they found the most direct way to the ocean. If we had not stopped to examine the coastline more carefully, we would have missed an entire microcosm of life.
Often, we miss God's voice as well. We are too busy with careers, hobbies, family obligations, and recreational activities. God is always speaking to us, if only we would stop for a moment to listen.
Prayer: Great Creator, in our busy lives Your whisper often goes unnoticed. Help us to stop and listen, so that Your voice can be heard above the distractions in our lives. Amen.
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