Hebrews 11:1 – Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. (NIV)

While camping one day, I watched my husband as he was standing in rather shallow water at the end of the dock, coaching one of the grandchildren into the water. Jake stood there, arms outstretched, calling to Nicole to trust him and jump in, assuring her that he would catch her.

She hesitated, and, with a concerned look on her face, glanced at her mom and dad, and back at her grandpa. She wasn't being told by her parents not to jump, but neither did they encourage her. The choice would be hers and hers alone. After what seemed forever, trust overcame doubt, and finally she jumped, arms outstretched, into the arms of her waiting grandpa. That moment, when she was suspended between the solid ground and her grandpa's arms, was the picture that depicts "faith" and "trust". She knew what she hoped for and was certain of that which was yet to be.

I thought to myself, that's what it's like to give yourself to Jesus, to believe His promises, to accept His claims, and to reach "safety".

Repeatedly in our faith journey, God calls us to trust and obey when we discern a call to action. Today we should be hearing that call many times in view of the injustice that prevails all around us, and around the world. May we, like Nicole, overcome our fears and apprehension and "jump", trusting God to "catch" us and lead us in His way.

Many times we just "know" that we should act in a situation, but we back off. The excuse often given is "I am not qualified". May I offer a thought for your consideration? God does not necessarily call the qualified, but God does qualify the called! Claim the promises of Jesus; He is with us always and goes before us, leading in the way in which we should go. God will provide for us the words to speak when we are tongue-tied.

Prayer: Gracious and loving Lord, give us the faith to trust and the courage to "walk the walk", claiming Your promise that You go before us, even to the ends of the earth. We pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

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About the author:

Margaret Vanderzweerde
Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

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