Proverbs 3:6 – In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight. (NIV)
In my work in India and Nepal, I visit many weaving centres, operated for training purposes by many of the church and para-church organizations.
Although a weaver myself, I never realized that there are so many different styles of looms. They run from small table-top looms, to crude, horizontal looms close to the floor, to huge, vertical carpet and linen looms, to sophisticated, electrically-operated ones. The result of the weaving process depends on the loom and the raw materials used. This can be yak wool, cotton, or fine silk. But most of all, the result depends on the skill and commitment of the weaver.
Weaving is both a creative and a demanding experience, and, especially in development work, it gives encouragement and hope. It gives encouragement to be creatively involved and to gain or regain dignity. And it gives hope that the result will be as seen in the mind's eye of the weaver, appreciated by others, and of long term benefit to both.
As Christians we are all "weavers". Our work area, "looms", and the people we work with, "material", may be varied. Our skills may differ, but weaving, with a commitment to a common purpose, is what we are called to.
To creatively weave together faith and society, in what has become a multi-cultural arena, is one challenge that faces us as Christians today. Another is that too long we have compartmentalized our lives into Religion, Family, and Community. It is time that we weave them together, in and for the love of Christ, acknowledging that they are one.
Prayer: Master Weaver, you alone know what plans you have for us, but we know that they for good and not for evil. Grant us wisdom to discern where you lead, and to acknowledge you in every aspect of our life. Give us the courage to take you into the workplace and community, as much as you are in our homes and church activities, thereby weaving together a life that brings honour and glory to you alone. Amen.
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