Refilling The Love

Sunday, July 7, 2002

Isaiah 56:6-7 – And foreigners who bind themselves to the Lord to serve Him, to love the name of the Lord and to worship Him, all who keep the Sabbath without desecrating it and who hold fast to my covenant, these I will bring to my holy mountain and give them joy in house my of prayer. (NIV)

I have an old, blue robe. I have had this robe for many years. It is worn and faded, but it is also warm and comforting. My children grew up watching me emerge from my daily shower in my old, blue robe, ready to face each day. They watched as I wrapped myself in its warm comfort when times were tough or when I was sick. This robe is very special for many reasons, but mainly because it has my scent on it. If anything should ever happen to me, the scent of my robe would undoubtedly be a source of comfort to my children, as it would remind them of my love for them.

We moved a couple of years ago, and, because of the different layout of my new house and the lack of hooks on my doors, my robe has been hanging in my closet. I recently found it again as I was searching through my closet while getting ready for work. As I remembered the feel of it, I hugged it close and noticed that it had begun to lose my scent. The love needed to be refilled. I instantly decided to begin wearing the robe again. I purchased the necessary hooks for the backs of my doors and took my robe off the hanger.

How often we let the warm comfort of God's love slip slowly away from our lives because we have put Him aside. We have hung Him in the closets of our hearts, flipping past Him as we move busily on with our lives. He is always present somewhere in the background, but never out in the open, so that others may experience the power of His love through us.

We need to remember to refill the love. The love of Christ is a warm, comforting experience that we can share, not only with those we love, but with everyone we meet. We need to put aside a little time each day to keep our faith fresh, to hold God close to our hearts, and to let Him wrap us in the warmth of His comforting arms.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your comforting presence in our lives. Help us to remember that we can also be a comfort to others around us, friend or foe alike. Amen.

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About the author:

Chris Top
Brighton, Ontario, Canada

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