Together As One?

Friday, June 21, 2002

Proverbs 31:10-12 – A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good not harm, all the days of her life. (NIV)

I love my wife for all that she is. We are a team for the kingdom, for each other, and for the family needs.

The trouble is that, because so many things crowd into my life, I often end up not giving her the attention, place, or priority that she deserves (and she agrees!). However, having been divorced, I am now rehabilitated and more sensitive to my presumptions — mostly. Also, my wife is no shrinking violet, and so, sooner or later, I find out that I have transgressed, either by my conscience pricking me, or by a "word" in my ear.

I think one of the most important things we do together is actively to attempt to keep open the lines of communication. In prayer every week, we ask our Saviour into particular situations at work, at home, or elsewhere. We try to be honest with each other, even when it is embarrassing, and we try not to pray sideways! When all things are going well, this is a great joy for us.

Sometimes the process goes wrong, and we become too worldly or too goal-oriented, or we forget that love comes first as a mutual gift to each other that is blessed by God. However, as we repent, forgive each other, and cherish each other because we loathe the separation caused by hurts and desires, we see God move, even if sometimes we have to wait months or years to see the answers to our life situation!

I believe God's Word, which states that a good marriage is a metaphor for our relationship with Jesus. He always wants to take our side, wait alongside, hear our concerns, encourage us in the good, take away barriers between us, hold us close, and let us know when we are out of order.

Ephesians 5:25-26 – Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word. (NIV)

Prayer: Lord, thank you for love. It makes us wonder at your love for us that sets us free from sin. By your presence, remind what holy love is, so we may cherish, not belittle, the gift. Redeem, bless, and set a guard over all holy marriages in our world today. Help us not to let them turn to dust in our hands. Lord, bless your children today, and bring words of truth, grace, peace, healing, life, vision, and hope. Remind us that, in your kingdom, nothing is impossible or too bad to be retrieved, because this is why you came. You are the embodiment of love, and, to you, everyone is precious, so we come to snuggle up close. Amen.

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About the author:

Rod Marshall <>
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England

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