Psalm 95:6-8a – Come let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care. Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts. (NIV)
Our hound, Grace, had grungy ears. Smelly, dark, oily yuck coated the inner ear canals, even blocking them in some places, impairing her hearing and causing her great discomfort. Allergies seemed to be the culprit behind this phenomenon. According to the veterinarian, Grace's doctor, if we discovered and got rid of the allergy, that which her body was rejecting, the problem would clear up. We did. It did. End of the problem.
I have ear problems too, sometimes — spiritual ear problems. My "natural man" is allergic to God's word and way. In myself, I reject His will from time to time, because it simply doesn't line up with mine. I close my ears to His voice, which always results in discomfort, sometimes even great discomfort. And although my ears don't actually get smelly, grungy, and yucky like Grace's, my thoughts, attitude, and behaviour sure can!
At such times, we, too, need to listen, hear, and accept the Doctor's counsel — the advice of the Spirit of truth, Who will teach us all things and will remind us of everything Jesus has taught us. The Counsellor, Who is able to soften our heart and will to the living Christ, and Who indwells us, is able to remove the problem, which is causing our allergic reaction: self!
And when we do, He does. End of problem.
Prayer: Lord God, how gracious, kind, and patient You are with our stubborn wilfulness and self. Thank You for the power of Your Holy Spirit, Who works unceasingly on our behalf to make us more like Jesus. More of Him, less of us, is our prayer. In Christ's name. Amen.
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