Micah 7:8 – Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light. (NIV)
John 1:9 – The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world. (NIV)
My grandchildren insist on nightlights in their room at night to protect them from the dark. Many terrible nightmares have been prevented by the soft glow of these little lights. On awakening, the child is bathed in the gentle embrace of the comforting light, which robs darkness of its sinister fright.
Shapes have a way of becoming distorted in the dark. Shadows can turn into monsters, creaking steps can indicate burglars, and chairs can disappear and reappear right before your toes. In the dark, it is hard to distinguish between reality and fantasy. I have been saved from many broken toes by the mere flick of a light switch.
Spiritual darkness creates monsters. It makes right seem wrong, evil good, and lots of good things evil. Darkness can be dangerous.
Jesus came into the world to turn the light switch on. He unveiled reality and unmasked things that had previously been distorted. He became our nightlight to give us protection from the darkness.
Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for your light that protects us from the darkness. Thank you for your Son who came to give us light in our dark places. Amen.
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