Acts 1:8 – [Jesus said to them,] "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (NIV)
Acts 2:14,41 – [When the day of Pentecost came,] Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd…. Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.
One day recently, I went out to visit with our grandchildren. We had just finished a long journey home, and, though I was overjoyed to see our loved ones, I was tired.
My granddaughter asked me to walk with her, since it was too nice a day to play inside with her in her playroom filled with toys. So we walked to the top of the hill in front of their place. She held my hand and desperately tried to involve me in activities I didn't have the energy to do.
Finally she threw herself onto the ground and began to roll down the hill, tumbling and laughing as she went, calling out to me, "Gamma, come and roll with me." "Makayla, I just can't. I'll watch you."
As I compared my tiredness with her energy and exuberance, I thought back to the difference between the discouraged, guilty Peter, who had just denied his best friend, and this Peter, who was filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. He preached a convincing sermon to thousands of people, both Jew and Gentile. The power that the Holy Spirit filled him with was what Jesus had promised his disciples, and still offers to us all.
This is great news, not only for my granddaughter and me, but for all who have faith in the Lord to call on His name, as the true object of faith and the only way of salvation.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, on this Day of Pentecost, we especially pray that we will be filled anew with the power of the Holy Spirit. We ask to be given the boldness of Christ to speak the good news of salvation to all. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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