My Coffee Break Friend

Tuesday, May 14, 2002

Exodus 33:11 – The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. (NIV)

Job 6:14 – A despairing man should have the devotion of his friends, even though he forsakes the fear of the almighty. (NIV)

There's seldom time to do much visiting during the workday, but sometimes there are co-workers who make the day brighter. I had such a friend who shared coffee breaks with me. After a few words with her, my load became lighter and my outlook brighter.

We talked about many things on these coffee breaks. Handicrafts were one of her favourite subjects. She could handle a needle or a glue gun with equal skill. Sometimes we discussed the Bible and church-related activities. Other times we talked about our families. Sometimes it was politics or the current news. She was such a versatile person.

She taught me many things: how to be positive when you hurt deep inside, how to be faithful to your job when it seemed all the rewards were going in the other direction, how to hold up your head and smile when your heart is really not in it, how to act as though your health were great, when, as a cancer survivor, she had no long-term warranty at all.

God uses Christian friends in many ways. They can help teach us some of the lessons that He wants us to learn. They can demonstrate how to put faith into action. By following their example, we are encouraged to become friends with others and show God's love to them.

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for friends who uplift us and encourage us to be better persons, simply by being in our lives. Help us to be friends to others who need our support and encouragement. Amen.

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About the author:

Ivie Bozeman
Thomasville, Georgia, USA

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