I Love My Communion

Friday, April 26, 2002

Luke 24:30-31 – He sat down to eat with them, took the bread, and said the blessing; then he broke the bread and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him. (TEV)

Auntie Doris moved back to the East Coast Demerara, Guyana. She has no family, no close friends, and, until recently, has had no place to live. But she is a wonderful, gentle, caring octogenarian, now 82 years of age. Her leg broke a few years back, was set improperly, and now sticks out at a crazy angle. Walking is impossible, and even crawling on the floor is difficult. However, she can do her own wash! She can only leave the house if she's carried and then placed in a car. It doesn't happen often.

She moved in near the seawall, where housing is cheap and the houses are generally in disrepair. She has become a favourite among those in whose home she lives. She pays her way, but how far does a pension cheque go in Guyana?

We have made a pact. After the first visit I made, she sighed as I left, and said, "How I love my communion. I think that is what I miss most." I said, "Auntie, as long as I'm here you'll have your communion here at your home when we celebrate in the church every month."

And she loves her communion.

Actually she loves her Lord whom she experiences in the sacrament. We celebrated today, and the radiant joy of her experience is still with me as I write. Do we find such joy in coming to the table of the Lord? I hope so. She has certainly made this miraculous moment more meaningful for me. And today, there were four of us from the neighbourhood there. Next month? Who knows? But we will celebrate again.

Prayer: Gracious God, you have called together a people to be the church of Jesus Christ. May your people be one in faith and discipline, breaking bread together, and telling good news, so that the world may believe you are love, turn to your ways, and live in the light of your truth. Amen. (from The Book of Common Worship)

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About the author:

Kenn Stright <kennethstright@yahoo.ca>
West Petpeswick, Nova Scotia, Canada

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