Matthew 17:14-15a – And when they came to the crowd, a man came up to him and kneeling before him said, "Lord, have mercy on my son, for he is an epileptic and he suffers terribly." (RSV)
I know this father. He invited me to his home. We ate and talked and shared our loves and concerns. He asked me to accompany him to his son's bedroom. "My son is very ill. He is suffering from OCD – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder." I saw the worry and concern on his face, and, in hushed whispers of prayer, I poured out my heart and the heaviness of this father's soul. We looked at the peaceful sleep of his son, knowing that such peace was an illusion in his life. Quietly we left as we came.
The father was grateful, simply for his son to be lifted up in prayer. He is such a loving father and does his very best to meet the needs of his son, his only son.
But the story I really want to tell happened a week later.
I was back in the community, and, for the first time, I was introduced to Moya. He indicated he wanted to speak with me and said, "I was awake when you prayed for me."
"Yes, I know. I could feel you listening as your father and I held you up before God."
"I just wanted to say 'Thank you'."
A desperate father came before Jesus and knelt in his need. I've seen him here beside his son. I wonder if Jesus heard "thank you" from the son whose epilepsy he cured?
Prayer: We call on the name of Jesus to touch and heal and bless those in deepest need today. Amen.
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