Matthew 5:16 – Your light must shine before people, so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven. (GNB)
Recently, I attended my daughter Bethany's Grade One class, to help with a field trip. They had been studying busy people. The field trip took us on a walk through town, visiting people who help us in our neighbourhood.
First, we visited the post office, where we discovered what happens to the mail when it arrives at its destination. We were considerably impressed by the postmaster's memory — he could name the box number for everyone in town.
Next we visited the ambulance bay. The children were given an idea of what procedures might happen to them if they needed a paramedic. We also visited the public library, where we were shown all the resources that were available.
I was chaperone to three students. Throughout the afternoon, one child insisted on calling me Mrs. Bethany. The only way he could identify with me was through my daughter. No matter how many times he was corrected, I was Mrs. Bethany for the entire trip.
How do others identify us? To some we are husband, wife, parent, or child. To others we are co-worker, friend, or neighbour. The list is endless. But how often are identified as Christian? Does Christ's love show in everything we do? No matter what we do in life, let us each live the label of Christian.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, You sent Your Son to teach us to love. Help us to be Christians in everything we do, no matter how small. Let Your love shine in us each and every day, so that all may know that we live as Jesus has taught us. Amen.
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