Luke 24:6-9a – "He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: 'The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.'" Then they remembered his words. (NIV)
When I awakened this morning, the sun was just peeking over the roof of the house across the street. During the winter months, I can't see the sun, as it is too far south, but at this time, in the Easter season, the sun slowly edges its way north.
I thought of that morning, which must have been tranquil after the events of our Saviour's suffering and death upon the cross: the morning Christ rose from the tomb.
Here we have the setting as I see it: bright blue skies with the sun's streaking light, shining upon the earth, giving it warmth. Comparing the light to His countenance and the warmth to the Holy Spirit, we are attuned to a tranquillity that fills our souls. We hear and feel something like the singing breath of the Anointed One. It fills the earth with new life. Here we can appreciate the warmth of the Holy Spirit living among us.
It is finished! The victory is won! Christ endured the cross to save us from our sin! He conquered death to give us eternal life! He gave His all for us.
Today Christ has risen; remember His words. The Son of man was delivered into the hands of sinful man to be crucified and on the third day He rose again.
Prayer: Almighty and everlasting Father, we come to You this Easter morning to give thanks for the risen Christ. We feel His warmth brought to us through the Holy Spirit, the Spirit You gave to us when Jesus rose to be at Your right hand. Thank You for the sacrifice and the victory only You can give. May we, in our true humanity, believe and be sealed in that Spirit unto the end. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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