Quo Vadis

Wednesday, March 20, 2002

Matthew 28:19 – Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age. (RSV)

Yesterday, as I was leaving the city to visit my son who lives in a nearby town, I swung onto the freeway, past Pearson International airport. Ahead of me were perhaps two hundred cars. Across the median, going in the opposite direction, were several hundred more, while to my right, a plane was just taking off into the air. The thought crossed my mind, "Where are all these people going?" I was going to my grandson's birthday party. Were others going to parties, the theatre, a basketball game, or, perhaps to visit a friend dying in the hospital?

I was reminded of the story told of Saint Peter, who fled from the persecution in ancient Rome and was met on the Appian Way by Jesus, who asked him, "Quo vadis?" — "Where are you going?" According to the story, Peter, remembering his Master's death, returned to his own martyrdom and to a place in history as the first Pope of the Roman church.

Where are we all going in life? I believe my eventual destination is "the marriage supper of the Lamb", as promised in John's Revelation 19:9. On the way there, I hope I will be able to do other things, as Jesus has commanded me: to tell His story to all I meet, to introduce others to Him, and to join Him in His task of bringing justice and peace to the nations. It will be quite a trying journey, and I hope I am up to the challenges. I will try to run with perseverance the race that is set before me.

In our hurry to go wherever we are rushing to, let each of us stop once in a while to remember to ask ourselves again, "Where am I going? Is my journey along the road He would have me go?" It will be an exciting trip. Best of all, we know that He will be with us all the way and He will be waiting for us when we finally arrive!

Prayer: Thank you, Jesus, for calling us to this great adventure, this journey with you to the place where the kingdoms of this world will become the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ! Amen.

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Harold Moddle

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