Hebrews 12:2 – Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from beginning to end. (GNB)
Fraser has always been a "climber". At three, he climbs playground equipment older children are tentative about. For over a year now, he has been sliding down the banister, saying, "This is the way boys climb stairs." We shouldn't have been surprised when we visited the badlands of Alberta on our holidays this summer.
We spent a morning exploring Horseshoe Canyon. This is an amazing geological formation. Travelling along the highway, one sees nothing but prairie, until reaching the cliff of the canyon. It seems the whole world has dropped away, and one has suddenly been transported to another planet.
Fraser didn't even stop to look; he just started climbing. First, down into the valley, and then, up over high rocky edges that hadn't been eroded, he clung to steep slopes, and scrambled over jagged formations. We had a difficult time keeping up with him, and had to call him back several times, when he tried to climb areas that looked too difficult.
He had faith in his abilities. He never looked down, but always ahead. He knew where he was going, and how he was going to get there.
We need to trust in Jesus with the same assurance. When our lives become difficult, we need only to look up, to Him. If we fix our eyes on Jesus, and not on the sometimes-difficult paths of our lives, our journey will be smoother.
Hebrews 12:12-13a – Lift up your tired hands, then, and strengthen your trembling knees! Keep walking on straight paths. (GNB)
Let us have faith in Jesus, for He can lead us where we cannot walk alone.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, You sent Your Son to walk with us. He can guide us through life's most difficult moments. We need only to trust in His love. Give us faith, that we may never walk alone again. Amen.
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