Isaiah 6:8 – Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" (NIV)
It has been a very long time — almost three years — since I have written for the Daily. I have been through a "spot of bother", have moved and have begun a new ministry with two new congregations. I have been quite busy and have felt not only that I did not have time to write, but also that I was dried up and had nothing to say to such a widespread following as the Daily has. I wanted to get back to writing, and felt guilty that I was not doing so, particularly when I find so much help, understanding and encouragement from the writings of everyone else.
Today when I came into the church, several Daily devotionals were printed and on my desk for me to read. I did so, and offered God the prayer requests, and suddenly the blockage was lifted and I had to write. The two catalysts that did this were a series of messages about God's promise in the rainbow and then the music of "Here I am, Lord".
That music was played quietly in the church as I knelt to be ordained, and this morning it reminded me not only of all God had done as he led my ministry, but also that he is still there saying, "Whom shall I send?"
God calls each one of us — not in the same way, not to the same thing — but He does call. When you hear or are reminded He is calling will you — can you — say with me, "Here am I. Send me!"?
The harvest is ready and the labourers are few. God is calling each of us today to some task big or small to be done in his name. Answering his call, we will know the joy of walking with God.
Prayer: Lord of love and life, who calls each one each day to tasks for you, speak so we may understand. Bless our faltering efforts when we strive for obedience and yet are afraid. For we will say, "I will go. I will hold your people in my heart, if you will lead me and hold my hand in yours." In Jesus' name. Amen.
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