A Faithful Care-taker

Thursday, August 23, 2001

Luke 10:35 – And the next day he took out two denarii and gave then to the inn-keeper, saying, "Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, I will repay you when I come back." (RSV)

Do you hold (or have you ever held) responsibility for leading a group with some members who need shaping if the group's objectives are to be achieved? Fred and I do. Some members just seem to act completely contrary to the group's mission.

In one of our weekly meetings, they mounted such a stiff opposition that I suggested to Fred that we drop them from the group. After all, we would ride on smoothly in their absence. With a rebuking look, Fred read to me today's verse. "Remember, Joshua, you're a care-taker of those pessimists," Fred added.

Are we faced with the challenge of raising a stubborn son or daughter? Do we live with a spouse giving us constant hassles? Is it a brother, sister, friend, colleague, or roommate? Let us stand up to the challenge; let's pray about it. Let us remember that God calls us to be his or her care-taker. God paid us the two denarii deposit (at Calvary) and promises to repay whatever more we spend when He comes back. Let's all pray that we be then found faithful care-takers.

Prayer: Dear Lord, the tasks assigned to us are too heavy. We seek your help, which you promised. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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About the author:

Joshua Abens Kayiwa
Kampala, Uganda

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